Six Success Tips to Speak on Stage Without Being Scared
As a personal brand coach, I often work with clients one-to-one on their presentation skills. After all this is one area that if you are proficient in – will showcase your brand and have a positive impact on your audience. Often though the number one obstacle they tell me they...
Fear of Facing Lives? These Five Tips will Help
Getting outside your comfort zone can be a bit scary, but this thing called “life” sometimes pushes us to make change. Now that is a bit of a deep statement when I am relating comfort zone to merely doing a live video on social media channels. It’s not that scary!...
Six Tips to Convey On-Screen Impact
With the countdown on toward 2024, you are no doubt busy planning for next year. With that in mind, you need to keep your finger on the pulse of any changes or trends and be aware of your clients’ needs and wants. One trend that is not going away any...
Try These Five Tips to Shine as a Master of Ceremonies
End of year events are in full swing with the unofficial start to the “party” season – the Melbourne Cup. It’s a big deal in Australia, with restaurants, pubs and even workplaces pausing for a while to celebrate the race of the nation.I’ve been lucky enough to be involved as...
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