Spring transformation sounds more like what you need to do in the garden or perhaps it is to, ‘spring clean’ around the house. What about you and your brand? Is it time for a fresh look or brand reinvigoration?
Here’s a few ideas that might help you revitalise your personal brand.
Update the Exterior
Just like your house, a refresh with an updated exterior look might be the answer. Whether it is the style and look of you or maybe the brand image of your business, is it looking a bit tired? You want you and your business images to be visually appealing.
Your dress and personal style plays a major role in how you express your personal brand. Spring cleaning time – out with the old and in with the new. Go through your wardrobe and get rid of anything that doesn’t serve you well anymore. Start afresh and begin to build a wardrobe showing your uniqueness and image you'd like to project.
Balance your individual style with clothing that will appeal to you but also appropriate for the work you do. Update other items outside of work – new gym clothes or sleepwear. Even a small purchase will revitalise you, your look and how you feel.
Perhaps a refreshed logo may give your brand a boost. Ensure all your communication collateral such as websites, brochures, social media headers and the like is looking good with any updated colours, fonts or logos.
Is your LinkedIn photo and profile truly reflecting your brand and expertise? Does your Facebook cover photo need a new look? You want to leave a great impression on your clients, customers, employees, media, any visitors and of course YOU.
Make an Entrance
You have heard the expression; first impressions count and one way to have appeal whether it is a house or garden, or the front door of your business is to liven up with some colour.
Always wear black? Try something new, lighten up and experiment with some new colour in spring. Or if that is stretching it too far, maybe a bolder look with your accessories. A transformation to your style could include a new hairstyle and way of wearing make-up.
If you would like to explore a different visual image, one way to do that is to find images that appeal to you from external influences like architecture and nature and art. You may see a common thread of style such as Scandinavian or romantic and even a sense of colour appear like bold and bright or the soft colours of nature. Try it and you might be surprised and even delighted.
Socialise in a Different Group
Consider your environment, such as the company you work for or the company you keep. Who are your friends, alliances and partners? Create contacts and expand your network.
To revitalise your brand and current position join some new networking groups. Discover new people that you can help and those who can help you.
You can also test out your personal brand statement. Practise answering, “what do you do?” so it seems natural and reflects the brand of you that is authentic.
Step Outside your Comfort Zone
One of the biggest challenges to transformation is confidence. If you always do the same thing the same way, you will get the same result. You’ve heard that before!
The hardest thing for so many people is to put yourself on the platform. We do often hide behind our content plan – and yes, it is important, but people really want to see the real you. Meaningless memes and “noise” just for the sake of it has no purpose. I’ve been guilty of this too.
To really cut through and revitalise your brand, you have to let people know. To go from where you are now to where you want to go, you need to implement a personal PR and brand plan and become known in your area of expertise.
Promote yourself through various communication channels such as publishing – write articles for magazines and online newsletters or write a book. Social media marketing is still important and could also incorporate podcasting or video; send out interesting media releases on your topic to journalists to help create word of mouth publicity; speak for clubs and other organisations. Self-marketing will help build your new brand identity.
Consider that a spring transformation might just give you, your brand and business a boost.
If you would like more ideas of personal branding, view my free video series, NOOK, LOOK, HOOK, 3 Ways to Build a Stand Out Personal Brand.
Sue Currie is a speaker and the author of IMPRESSario, Present and Promote the Star Within You. She is recognised as a leading authority on personal branding to boost image, profile, brand and business. Through her image management programs, workshops, consulting and keynote presentations, Sue helps businesses and entrepreneurs present an influential brand image.