You’ve all heard the oft repeated expression, New Year, New You and as you head back to the desk from holidays, are you raring to go or still feeling like a bit of rejuvenation?
It might not be just you who is feeling a bit slow to get going, what about your team or co-workers? Do they need a boost to bring out their best?
As a personal brand consultant, I like to get to the core of my client’s motivators? What is your big picture vision and your core values? This is quite a detailed process, but once you have that foundation you can plan the actions to help you reach your potential.
But back to your team and those around you. How do we work out why they might not be firing on all cylinders? Perhaps it is about talking to them, understanding their needs and appreciating what their unique personal brand has to offer?
People can get overlooked for opportunity for many reasons. Introverted, too young, too old or simply because we don’t understand and appreciate what they have to offer. You and I, like others want to express what we do best and may be thinking that this new year, new start, reinvention is just like Groundhog Day.
I hope not, and to inspire you I want to share a feel-good story about my friend Cathie.
Inspired to Shine
Cathie, pictured above has recently received her “wings” as a Flight Attendant with Virgin Australia. At the ripe young age of 59 and proud to state it, Cathie has reinvented and followed her passion of working in the airline industry.
Not one to shy away from reinvention, Cathie, when I met her was a high-flying (get the pun?) sales woman. She’s also a qualified yoga teacher, a mum of adult children and has been through many of life’s ups and downs that a certain age brings.
George Eliot, the English novelist who was really Mary Ann Evans said it beautifully, “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.”
And let’s celebrate Virgin Australia for bucking the ageist society trend by employing a more mature person. Well done!
Cathie has been appreciated for the skills and background she brings to the role and in return is dedicated and as proud as punch to be launching a new career with a supportive corporate brand.
As Cathie says, “It is an amazing opportunity for anyone, but it is especially inspiring for older candidates.”
If you would like to know more about how to uncover your personal brand, sign up for my video series, NOOK, LOOK, HOOK, 3 Steps to Build a Stand Out Personal Brand.
Sue Currie is a speaker and the author of IMPRESSario, Present and Promote the Star Within You. She is recognised as a leading authority on personal branding to boost image, profile, brand and business. Through her image management and profile building programs, workshops, consulting and keynote presentations, Sue helps businesses and entrepreneurs position and present an influential professional brand.