Thursday, June 2, 2016

Marketing You to Make Money

Informing your target audience of who you are, how you make a difference and how you help them is one way to boost your bottom line. You can do that through a number of self-promotion and personal branding techniques. One strategy I am working on at the moment is video. I am in the throes of putting together a number of videos for my YouTube channel, to use on my website and for online training. Also, YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world so it would be crazy not to utilise it more. But having videos on YouTube is not relevant for everyone. 

It suits my business and my personal branding approach. You might prefer other forms of social media marketing such as LinkedIn which is the number one choice for business professionals. However, in continuing my blog series on steps to standing out, profiling yourself through social media is definitely one way to get noticed. And here are a few more.

Choose one or two social media sites that work for you. Think about your target audience, who you want to reach and what channel will be most suitable. You don’t have to be across everything. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and LinkedIn are the top popular choices. Where will you prospective clients, employers or customers be? Use one or two of your chosen social media networks and use them well,as a tool for you to express your ideas and showcase your skills and brand in front of those that count.

Networks are not just found on social media. You still need to have face-to-face communication and get to know people through connecting in person and often that happens by networking. Now that could be through attending events put on by your industry association, women’s business groups, Rotary, Chamber of Commerce or even within your company. Networking is about building a network of people. Getting to know people and understanding each other’s needs. Within your organisation, is it possible to go and talk to somebody instead of sending emails all the time? Can you find ways to communicate with your network – perhaps having actual conversations and coffee catch ups each week. Coffee conversations can lead to great connections.

Inviting someone for coffee could be considered an event, another tactic of personal PR and a way of communicating or expressing your self-brand. What sort of special event could you set up? Lunch or after work drinks. Can you organise something and socialise with those that count? A senior executive where I once worked arranged for a group of girls to all attend a Ladies Day at the Races. After initiating that get together, we all had regular catch ups and built solid working friendships. My colleague consciously and naturally but not in a self-serving way has developed a great network of colleagues, friends and supporters.

Awards could also be considered special events and are a way to showcase your personal brand. Entering an award, even though you may not win can create greater awareness of you and your business. Another reason is it gives you the chance to look at your work through fresh eyes. Having to answer questions and be succinct about why you should be a winner could just help you believe that you already are.

Public Speaking is also a great way to enhance your visibility and communicate your personal brand.Can you volunteer for speaking opportunities at your office or with professional associations? Perhaps join the committee and take your turn at being the MC. Is there an opportunity for you to be on an industry panel? Join toastmasters to get some practice or undertake presentation skills training to overcome any fear you may have. For anyone building a business or career it is important to be confident at presenting business proposals and putting your thoughts across succinctly and engagingly. You don’t always need to be on stage to speak up and express yourself. Go to meetings prepared to speak up and volunteer your opinion. Be seen as a leader.

These tactics may help you get a promotion or build your business and enhance your financial success. Learn more about The Power of Personal PR in this free eBook.

Read last week’s blog Leverage LinkedIn to Profile Your Personal Brand

Sue Currie is a personal branding specialist providing solutions to business owners and organisations to boost their image, renown, brand and business. She is the founder of Shine Academy™, providing education and professional development training and the creator of the Shine Personal Branding System™ a process she uses to help executives and entrepreneurs position their professional brand and present themselves with impact and influence. Through speaking, corporate workshops, and consulting, Sue helps businesses and individuals to stand out and shine.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock


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