Wednesday, September 29, 2021

How to Look Stylish at Work in Summer

How to Look Stylish at Work in Summer

This coming weekend in Australia marks the beginning of the summer season with the annual introduction of daylight saving. It also in coming weeks marks the beginning of the return to “new normal” from the long hiatus of lockdown in some parts of the country.

No doubt the effect on your business or work and business and lifestyle in general has been difficult. I hope you have been able to maintain a positive outlook and that there is a spring in your step as we move toward the year’s end.

Perhaps you feel that you have lost your “mojo” when it comes to your personal image. Particularly if you are working from home.

I’ve had a few catchups with girlfriends lately – yes, I am one of the lucky ones – not in lockdown where I live and we are feeling optimistic, with a spring in out step about our futures – even though we’re not spring chickens as they say.

A few do feel a bit “blah” about their appearance be it weight, hairstyle, can’t afford stylish clothes, too old, or just can’t be bothered. Here’s the thing though – its’ not usually about the clothes it is usually about a lack of self-confidence.

I was stuck in a style rut a while ago. I’m not a girl anymore or want to be, and I don’t look like one. I don’t want to be “mutton dressed as lamb”, as they say, but I also don’t want to be dressed the “age” I am. I’m me, I have my own style personality and like to look good.

For me, even though I’ve been working in image and personal branding for a long time, it was time to up-grade my skills and knowledge and apply that to my own personal style. Like any industry you must keep learning and growing.

Most of us have had to invest, upgrade our skills and learn new technology to work from home and now that we start to head back into offices again – perhaps we need to reinvest in ourselves?

The corporate style look you wore pre 2020 may not be relevant now, you’ve ditched the tie or kicked off the heels and want to present a new updated version of you – do it – it’s transformation time right now.

Here’s a couple of tips to help you step into your stylish look for the season ahead.

  • Work out the best styles for you that suit your size, shape, age and personality.
  • Be adventurous with your style and experiment with fabric, patterns, prints and colour.
  • Try new things! Don’t get yourself in a clothing rut by wearing the same styles, colours or shapes all the time.
  • Spend a few hours sorting through your wardrobe and try different combinations together with the clothes you currently own.
  • Check out the latest fashion trends and experiment with a few new pieces to complement the clothes you already own and update your current look.
  • Your image and style makeover doesn’t have to necessarily mean spending lots of money on new clothes but seeing the clothes you currently own in a new light. If you always buy clothes that are on sale or only at a limited budget, try on clothes that are expensive. Boost your confidence by trying something on from an up-market boutique. You don’t have to buy it. See how it looks and feels and just for that moment reset the money mindset of, “I can’t afford it.”
  • I know you want to get ahead in your business and career and one way to do that is to feel confident with your image, style and how you present yourself.

    Don’t lose you mojo – style it!

    Learn more about Brand Style Polish to help you uncover your stylish image.

    Sue Currie is a speaker and the author of IMPRESSario, Present and Promote the Star Within You. She is passionate about helping business executives and entrepreneurial professionals elevate their personal brand, image and professional presence. Sue’s suite of services delivered through workshops, consulting, coaching and keynote presentations provides a multi-faceted approach to gain high transformation for her clients.

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