If you’re a follower of football, you may understand the fervour that the finals cause. It’s that time of year here in Australia and different codes and clubs have their fanatics. Passionate fans and supporters feel they belong to their tribe. Whether they are members of the club or not there is a sense of belonging; knowing who the players are; having an opinion of what their strengths or weaknesses may be and having perhaps some perceived personal insight into the players behind the club brand.
Developing club passion and loyalty from fans comes from comprehensive branding, public relations and marketing. Building up a supporter base often begins in the local community at a grass roots level with the growth of a fan base in continual development. Football is big business; fans and followers are all important to the commercial viability of a club.
Same goes for you. Whether you are building your own business or working alongside colleagues in an organisation, to create loyal fans and followers you need to know how to build your personal brand.
First of all consider why you need to grow your brand. Do you need to reinvent? Starting a new job or a business or going through a career change? Where are you now and where do you want to go? Look at your big picture, future goals and your vision of what you want to achieve and WHY it is important to you.
Then pinpoint the essence of YOU…
In my latest video I take you through further steps; determining WHO is your audience; the PACKAGE you present; and most importantly how to PROMOTE your brand.
Need further tips? Sign up for my free video training series, NOOK, LOOK and HOOK, 3 Steps to Build a Stand Out Personal Brand.
Sue Currie is a speaker, author, consultant and educator recognised as an authority on personal branding to boost image, profile, brand and business. Through her workshops, professional development programs and brand consulting, Sue help businesses and entrepreneurs position and present an impactful professional brand.