Thursday, October 18, 2018

How to Complete your Personal Brand Communication Plan

Ted Turner, American businessman, media mogul and founder of the Cable News Network (CNN) was accredited with saying, “There are three secrets to success. Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and publicise.”

Okay he didn’t actually say publicise – he used the word advertise. But I think personal public relations and branding is a great way to launch your product, service or YOU. You don’t always have to advertise. PR is certainly cheaper than advertising but not necessarily free. You may need to allocate some funds toward a personal brand communication campaign.

In continuing my series on a nine-point communication plan to help you boost your brand, we look at the final three points – LAN.

We’ve previously looked at the PR tools you can choose from to reach your desired objective. Take a look at that blog here.

Once you decide on your tactics your need to plan your budget.

L is for the ledger – the budget – or the loot – how much going to cost?

How much will new brochures cost? What about a post card mail out to your database?  Will you hire someone part time to help you? Maybe it’s having new professional photos taken or a new wardrobe you need to raise your personal image.

If you are planning an event or a book launch, you need to look at the resources you have to put towards this project. If it's $5,000, how can you effectively use that money? It might be that you spend $2,500 on brochures or publicity – perhaps getting someone to send out a media release. Maybe you will allocate $2,500 on an image consultation, new outfits and professional photos.

Then evaluate it. See if you get more comments about how great you look or what PR worked by asking people how they found out about you. Look at what gets the most effective return on your investment.

A for Action – Implementation. Here you review your desired outcome and the PR tactics you are going to undertake to achieve your aim. Then you need to work out how you’re actually going to do everything you’ve planned for your brand plan. Put a time line into place. What needs to be done to make it all happen?

Let’s work backwards on your timeline. Say we set an end date for February 6, 16 weeks from now. And let’s say your personal objective might be to raise your profile by making a presentation to an association networking group.

By week 15 you would need to have well and truly rehearsed your presentation and have it completely prepared. About week 8 you might get some presentation training so you feel confident. Week 10 you have shopped or planned your outfit.  By week 4 you would have contacted all those potential networks from a list you would have compiled in week 1 and have your date locked in.

And so on for all the tasks associated with your plan. Come up with a detailed plan of action, a project plan or a work in progress (WIP). You can simply write it up in a word table, excel spreadsheet or use an online tool like Teamwork.

N for Notice – have you attracted notice? This is where you evaluate and measure if your plan has worked?

After it’s all over, look back at your objectives that you so carefully wrote out. Were those goals achieved? Have they been met? Did you get the promotion or new job you were seeking? How about that public speaking presentation you were planning – did you take the necessary steps to make it a success? Did your postcards result in a client meeting? This is where you look back and see what you’ve achieved and did you get value for money.

And then – start over and come up with a new communication plan to reach another objective.

With your brand communication plan in hand I do hope you will put self-promotion into practice – because without promotion what happens? Nothing!

These tactics and more will be covered in my Boost Your Brand with High Visibility workshop to be held on the Gold Coast on Friday, November 2.

Call 1300 723 713 to learn more or book now.

Need further tips? Sign up for my free video training series, NOOK, LOOK and HOOK, 3 Steps to Build a Stand Out Personal Brand.

Sue Currie is a speaker and the author of IMPRESSario, Present and Promote the Star Within You. She is recognised as a leading authority on personal branding to boost image, profile, brand and business. Through her image management and profile building programs, workshops, consulting and keynote presentations, Sue helps businesses and entrepreneurs position and present an influential professional brand.

Image courtesy Shutterstock

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